Building Writing and Print Knowledge with Picture Books

ID number
Online - at your computer

Your home or school
Any, IL 00000
United States

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Build a foundation for writing in your classroom. Using read alouds as a starting point, engage your students with and without disabilities in writing activities across daily routines. Help children develop the understanding that print carries a message as they create written texts through scribbling, drawing, or writing letter-like forms based on their ability level. Engage all students in creating classroom books!

Heather Aiken
Learner objectives

Participants will be able to:

1. Describe three ways to integrate writing into daily classroom routines.

2. Engage all students in creating shared texts and classroom books.

3. Provide differentiated writing opportunities.

Intended audience
Early Childhood Special and General Educator, Teacher Assistant
Contact hours
State Performance Plan Indicator Alignment
SPPI 7 - Early Childhood Outcomes
Gateways training stage
Training topic area
Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Early Literacy
Gateways to Opportunity content area
Curriculum or Program Design