Administrator Support


STAR NET Region II offers a variety of supports for administrators of early childhood programs which serve children with special needs in our five-county region. At least six times each year we host gatherings of administrators of early childhood programs, including those who serve children funded through Preschool for All, children with IEPs receiving service in public school programs, and others who are operating preschool educational programming. These meetings are opportunities for early childhood special education administrators to share resources, get current information about best practices in curriculum, assessment, developmentally appropriate practice, and special education services. Region II staff and other special guests share the most current information about what is going on in early childhood in Illinois. To receive more information, dates, and locations of these meetings, please contact Kathy Slattery(link sends email).

In addition to the meetings mentioned above, Region II also hosts three other gatherings each year, created specifically for administrators new to early childhood and early childhood special education in our five-county area. These smaller group meetings are designed to introduce new administrators to the state and federal requirements for early childhood and early childhood special education services. Attendees of these meetings will also learn about best practices in early childhood education with a focus on inclusion as an option whenever possible. To receive more information, dates, and locations of meetings, please contact Kathy Slattery(link sends email).