Breaking Down Silos: SPED and EL Teams working Together to Support All Learners

ID number
Online - at your computer

Your home or school
Any, IL 00000
United States

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

In this session, participants will be challenged to envision a high-quality learning environment that supports the whole child, moving beyond labels of "ELL" or "Special Education." With a focus on equity and inclusion, participants will learn the five main components needed to break down silos in their own programs.

 * This event is being presented in collaboration with Early CHOICES and the Illinois Resource Center *

Adelicia Brienzo, Emily Ropars
Learner objectives

- Learn five basic components needed to break down department silos

 - Define "intersectionality" and how it relates to dually identified students

 - Set short and long term goals for building collaboration between teams

Intended audience
Administrator, Early Childhood Special and General Educator, Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapist, Psychologist, Social Worker, Speech/Language Therapist, Teacher Assistant
Contact hours
State Performance Plan Indicator Alignment
SPPI 6 - Preschool LRE
Gateways training stage
Training topic area
Learning Environments (Creating and Maintaining), Other, Special Needs/Inclusion
Gateways to Opportunity content area
Curriculum or Program Design