Workshops and Webinars

Personal & Professional Development

Our workshops and webinars are available at no cost to professionals working with young children or parents of young children with special needs. Webinars can be accessed using a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. Use of a wired connection will provide participants with the best webinar experience.

STAR NET Region II works with our early childhood community representatives, workshop participants and the Illinois State Board of Education to identify helpful training topics. You will find detailed information about each workshop and webinar in our Training Calendar to help you determine which sessions will meet your professional development or informational needs. Please read the Workshop Guidelines for registration information, workshop and webinar content levels, and licensure and continuing education information. You can register online through links on the individual workshop descriptions.

* If you require special accommodations in order to attend one of our workshops or webinars, please give us at least two weeks notice. *



Workshop Date Location
DAY THREE: Universal Design for Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom Book Study Series Online - at your computer
FAMILIES! Lullabies to Literacy - Raising a Reader
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Online - at your computer
DAY FOUR: Universal Design for Learning in the Early Childhood Classroom Book Study Series Online - at your computer
Embedding Assistive Technology and Core Vocabulary in the Preschool Classroom
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Online - at your computer
ECSE Teacher Cohort: A Group to Learn, Reflect, and Discuss Putting it All Together
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Online - at your computer
Transition from Early Intervention to Early Childhood Services: Roles and Responsibilities
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Online - at your computer
FAMILIES! Everything You Want to Know About Transition (just maybe haven't asked!)
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Online - at your computer
Illinois Early Childhood Outcomes CoP Cont'd Online - at your computer
It's All Fun and Games: Individualizing and Scaffolding Skills Using Board Games to Support All Learners
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Center: Resources for Teaching and Learning