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** This cohort series is being offered in collaboration with STAR NET Region VI **
Join Becky and Katie for the 2024-2025 ECSE Teacher Cohort. Whether you are new to the field, a veteran teacher, new to early childhood special education, have previously attended our cohort series or not, we invite you to join us for this year’s series! This cohort series is an opportunity for discussion, collaboration, and brainstorming best practices in early childhood special education classrooms with colleagues from across the state. We will be using the DEC Recommended Practices to guide each meeting. By diving deeper into the Recommended Practices, our hope is you will gain knowledge as practitioners into their purpose and discuss effective ways to use them in order to improve outcomes for all students. Meetings will begin with resource sharing and reflection, include breakout sessions, and will conclude with large group discussion. Participants are encouraged to attend all sessions in order to build on your knowledge, connect prior learning, and share classroom practices across the school year.
An optional 30 minute discussion will follow each event for additional Q and A.
During our first meeting, we will be introducing the DEC REcommended Practices and featuring teaching staff from Skokie 73 as they share their experience shifting practice focusing on beginning the school year emphasizing social emotional learning in inclusive environments.
Participants will be able to:
1. Review the Division for Early Childhood Recommended Practices.
2. Reflect on current practices in your early childhood and ECSE classrooms.
3. Discuss with colleagues in small group and large group settings ways to implement Recommended Practices to support all learners.