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This presentation will highlight critical information about school-based goal setting more generally and specific to development of a child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This presentation will highlight 1) common target areas for goal setting to address SM symptoms in schools based on current SM functioning and presenting symptoms, 2) behavioral intervention supports that could be used to help reach identified goals, 3) the process for developing SMART goals (i.e., Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely) related to symptoms of SM, and 4) data-based goal tracking systems for measuring and assessing growth and progress over time specific to SM intervention.
1: Learners will be able to identify 2 common areas to target for school-based goals to address symptoms of SM.
2: Learners will be able to state necessary components of a SMART goal.
3: Learners will be able to list 2 data-based goal tracking measures for assessing progress with symptoms of SM.