Art is NOT a Receipt for Child Care! Creative Art with Young Children: It's the Process NOT the Product

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Online - at your computer

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Any, IL 00000
United States

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

No more dittos! No more patterns! No more cut out art! In this webinar Lisa will support a very strong process oriented art position appropriate for children with and without disabilities. Lisa will demonstrate examples and this webinar will include in-depth examination of the rationale for the emphasis of process over product, including a discussion about what this phrase really means! Participants will have time to engage in dialogue regarding “art” for all children and identify where they are on their journey towards process art and away from product oriented “cookie-cutter” projects.  

 ** This event is being presented in collaboration with STAR NET Region IV and VI **

Lisa Murphy
Learner objectives

Participants will:

 - Compare product vs process focused art in early childhood education and early childhood special education classrooms.

 - Discuss developmentally appropriate art.

 - Explore examples of children's artwork through collaborative in-depth analysis.

 - Use resources for art materials and supplies.

Intended audience
Early Childhood Special and General Educator, Family Educator, Family Member, Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapist, Teacher Assistant
State Performance Plan Indicator Alignment
SPPI 7 - Early Childhood Outcomes
Gateways training stage
Training topic area
Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Early Art
Gateways to Opportunity content area
Curriculum or Program Design