Inclusion of Young Children with Autism: Part 2 ABA, Learning Cycles and Goals

ID number
Online - at your computer

Your home or school
Any, IL 00000
United States

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Join us for the second event in this 3 part series with Erin Barton. This workshop will provide strategies to support the inclusion of individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disabilities in preschool. Participants will learn effective classroom practices to teach the entire learning cycle and how this relates to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles.

Erin Barton
Learner objectives

1. Learners will list the rationale, myths, and Quality Indicators of preschool inclusion.
2. Learners will describe effective classroom practices including how to teach to the entire learning cycles.
3. Learners will describe how to embed instruction across the day for all learners.

Intended audience
Administrator, Early Childhood Special and General Educator, Early Intervention Personnel, Occupational Therapist/Physical Therapist, Teacher Assistant
Contact hours
State Performance Plan Indicator Alignment
SPPI 6 - Preschool LRE
Gateways training stage
Training topic area
Interactions with Children, Learning Environments (Creating and Maintaining), Special Needs/Inclusion
Gateways to Opportunity content area
Interactions, Relationships and Environments