Preschoolers and Technology: Supporting Your Child’s Development in a Digital Age

ID number
Madison Early Childhood Education Center

130 W Madison
Elmhurst, IL 60126
United States

06:00 PM - 8:00 PM
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Technology is everywhere today.  With its many forms and uses, our children are growing up immersed in tech!  How do we balance the needs of young, growing minds and bodies and still make the most of the digital resources around us? Join us as we share information about how active, hands-on activity influences children’s brain development and how you can nurture and support your child's development as they explore, learn, and grow in our tech-rich world.  Many resources will be shared.

Learner objectives
  • Understand the importance of relationships and interaction on children’s learning
  • Learn how active-play and hands-on exploration enhance brain development in young children
  • Learn ways to utilize technology to nurture and support a young child’s development


Intended audience
Early Childhood Special and General Educator, Family Educator, Family Member, Psychologist, Social Worker
Contact hours
Gateways training stage
Training topic area
Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Interactions with Children
Gateways to Opportunity content area
Interactions, Relationships and Environments