SIBS, Supporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters
S.I.B.S. champions siblings of people with disabilities in Illinois, through Sibshops, sibling support groups, and relevant resources to enhance the quality of life for siblings and families alike.
S.I.B.S. champions siblings of people with disabilities in Illinois, through Sibshops, sibling support groups, and relevant resources to enhance the quality of life for siblings and families alike.
Welcome Parents to SPARK! (Special Education Parents Accessing Resources and Knowledge) SPARK meetings are designed to give parents information to help them in their current and future steps of the journey of parenting children with unique needs. As parents, we guide and make decisions for our children and their development. The task can be overwhelming and we want nothing more than to be as informed as we can be when we set the course we believe our child should take.
North-West Suburban parent support group for families of children with cerebral palsy and other motor impairments.
Contact: Cindy Guererro
SNaP’N (Special Needs Parent Network) meets the second Monday of each month September-May. Parents of children/adults with special needs gather for a time in God’s Word, prayer and occasional outside speakers. Volunteer caregivers are provided for all children/adults with special needs and their siblings.
Contact: Wendi Serna or 847-852-2204
Through books for and about brothers and sisters, online groups, and workshops on sibling issues, the Sibling Support Project provides information and resources on support for the brothers and sisters of those who have health, developmental or mental health concerns.
This fathers network connects fathers of children, of all ages, who have special needs with each other and with resources, information, and training to tell their stories and advocate for change to promote inclusion. Monthly webinars.
This group is designed to provide a network of support for Diverse Learners families, and meets at least quarterly to discuss a variety of important topics and resources.
Contact Parent and Community Partnership Coordinator, Tim Kirschner at
Willow Friends offers a diverse community with a heart for individuals with special needs and the family, friends, and fans who support.